Saturday, October 10, 2015

Traveling with a toddler - Universal Studios - Orlando

This topic is going to be a multi post topic.  This year, we traveled to Orlando with our son twice.  Once to Disney and once to Universal. 

Today I am going to talk about Universal Studios. 

We went at the end of August, so it wasn't too busy as most kids were back in school.  However, it was HOT and humid but that is to be expected.  My son was almost 20 months old when we went.

We purchased our tickets right at Universal.  My husband purchased an Express Pass as he was going to be riding most of the rides and was hoping to do so quickly.  My first impression was that we aren't at Disney!  It really is not as baby friendly as anywhere in Disney.  I am talking about everything from rides, to restaurants, to stores, to simply just walking around and finding a place to get a stroller up onto the sidewalk without climbing up the curb.

Rides:  The only ride my son did was ET.  He just made the height requirement.  He is very tall for his age.  In hindsight, this ride was probably too scary for him.  I felt bad the whole time we were on it.  I could tell he was kind of nervous.  I remember riding this dozens of times when I was younger and it just seemed more "scary" now.  My husband did most of the other rides and enjoyed Transformers the best, FYI.

Attractions:  He really enjoyed the Curious George and Fievels Playland sections.  He played there for awhile.  We also spent quite a bit of time walking around the Simpson's area.  That was more for us than him.  :)
Curious George

Fievel's Playland
Fievel's Playland


Food:  We ate lunch at Universal.  We had pizza at Louie's Italian Restaurant.  It was good pizza.  Not awesome but good. 

Shopping:  The only shopping I did was buying a small ET from the store that the ride lets out at.  It was a horrible shopping experience.  It took at least 10 minutes to check out and I was the only one in the store. 

Overall I would actually go back but not until he is older.  I really wished we had done Disney again instead of Universal at this age.

Stay tuned for my other posts about Universal.  They will include the CityWalk, Cabana Bay Beach Resort (and other Universal hotels), and more!


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